Sensores de temperatura: A2C1988490001 VDO
  • Sensores de temperatura: A2C1988490001 VDO
  • Sensores de temperatura: A2C1988490001 VDO

Continental VDO - Oil temperature sender 150°C - 1/4-18 NPTF

65,52 € (impuestos inc.)

54,15 € impuestos excl.


VDO A2C1988490001

  • Temperature range: +50°C to +150°C
  • Thread: 1/4-18 NPTF
  • Sender resistance range: 322.8 - 18.6 Ohm
  • Sensor signal: 2-pole insulated return
  • No warning contact
  • 323-485
Logistical information:
  • HS Code: 90259000
  • Ean Code: 4103590682864
  • Weight: 0.50kg

Description engine- and transmission- oil temperature sender:

VDO A2C1988490001 Full technical specifications:

Mechanical features:

Temperature measuring range: +50°C to +150°C
Minimum - Maximum operating temperature: -40 °C to +180 °C
Thread: 1/4-18 NPTF
Sender element length + thread (L): 29 mm
Sensor diameter: 11 mm
Torque: 20 Nm
Temperature medium: Coolant - Water - Air - Engine oil - Transmission oil - Fuel

Electrical features:

Operating voltage: 6 - 24 V DC
Resistor range: 322.8 - 18.6 Ohm
Temperature sensor signal: Dual-Pole insulated return
Warning contact: None
Optional warning contact: VDO A2C59510886 Makepoint Switch
Temperature sender connector: AMP Male 6.3 x 0.8 mm

Datasheets and Tables:

VDO 2014 Vehicle Electronics Catalog: Page 138 - 139
Type of connection: G
VDO En Du Temperature senders Tables: VDO table: 2
Temperature 100 °C > Resistance: 100 °C = 61.92 Ohm ± 5.49 Ohm

Retail package:

  • VDO A2C1988490001 Temperature sender
  • VDO Sensors are - unless otherwise noted - delivered without connecting material

Ficha técnica

Rango de medición de temperatura
De +50 °C a +150 °C
Contacto de alerta
Fuente de alimentación
6 - 24 Voltios DC
VDO Sensor de embalaje minorista
Señal de salida
322.8 - 18.6 Ohmios
VDO Control del motor
Señal analógica
322.8 - 18.6 Ohmios
Señal del sensor
Aislado de la masa
Conector del sensor
Enchufe plano 6,3 x 0,8 mm
1/4" - 18 NPTF Macho
Temperatura del aceite
Tipo de conector
Enchufe plano 6,3 x 0,8 mm
Sensores de temperatura
Estado del artículo
Puede solicitarse en
Formato alternativo
323 805 003 002N